Waste Disposal’s solutions:

Operational diagram:

Ports, airports and health care facilities, during their activities, produce huge quantities of potential infectious waste, which, owing to its normal disposal regulation, significantly raises the expenditure allowance.


The waste, before being sterilized, is put through a triturating process and reduced into tiny pieces.


These tiny pieces are lifted to the sterilization chamber by a watertight screw conveyor.


Saturated steam is infiltrated into the sterilization chamber, up to 3 bar pressure and simultaneously begins the electromagnetic radiation, with the frequency of 2,45 GHz. (ECONOS International Patent).

The sterilization chamber, internally, reaches the temperature of 143°C (289,40°F) as a consequence of, both, saturated steam pressure and heating, generated by microwaves’ action that affect water molecules, which fragments of material are made of and enclosed.


Opening the sterilization chamber, the waste is pushed into an auger below and through an unloading screw, it is ejected from the machinery, ready to be weighed and sealed.


The only air released, is the one exiting the absolute filter; Different tests have confirmed that the air emitted is pathogen free.


During the entire sterilization process, it is possible to control, both, pressure and temperature parameters, through the PLC connected to a touch screen display. The PLC, automatically adjust the management of the magnetrons, to the kind of load introduced and allows the operator to control the working phases, entirely.


Compactor: it is possible to connect a waste compactor, in order to lower handling and disposal costs.