Solutions for waste disposal:


Problems with infectious waste disposal CER 180103 / CER 180202

Ports, Airports and Health Care facilities, during their activities, produce huge quantities of potential infectious waste, which, owing to its normal disposal regulation, significantly raises the expenditure allowance.

Infectious medical waste, with contamination risk, present:

  • Environmental contamination risk
  • Expensive management costs
  • Limited temporary storage duration and space
  • Management liability punishable by law


ECONOS patent:

Infectious medical waste disposal, with risk of contamination is triturated and sterilized thanks to the combined action of steam and microwaves, in a complete safety for all the workers and without any plant waste emission in the atmosphere.

ECONOS, as a result of ongoing research and development investments, is born to offer a solution to the potential infectious waste disposal problem and is guided by clear and simple course of actions:

Safety - Economy - Respect for the Environment.


The result:

Potential infectious waste, thanks to the triturating and sterilization process becomes not dangerous and can be used as WDF (Waste-Derived Fuel).Consequently it is regulated by the same regulation and management arrangements.
Thanks to ECONOS technology potential infectious waste becomes:

  • Harmless
  • Non recognizable
  • Usable as WDF
  • Cheaper disposal and transportation and costs
  • Compactable
  • Safety management
  • Unlimited time and space storage
    (1 year or 30 mc chosen by the producer)



The high technological level, high degree of integration and the simple usage, reduce to minimum the waste handling by the operator; indeed, its activities are limited to loading of the infectious waste and to unloading the sterilized one.

Every sterilization cycle is automatically tested through physical controls and an easy biologic routine control permits a simple and periodic follow up, to the operator.

At the end of every cycle, the printer prints a report, which shows all the sterilization parameters and everything else is needed by the regulation.



The machinery eliminates the infectious waste power, transforming it in not dangerous, allowing the producer to dispose it as WDF, with remarkably economic advantages, decreasing the disposal and transport costs, over 50% less than actual costs.

Moreover, thanks to the triturating process, the waste volume is reduced up to 80%, with economic advantages in its transport and storage costs.


Respect for the Environment:

Our awareness of the Environment, affects the development of a machinery able to reduce the contamination’s risks and to decrease the infectious waste potential, from its very origin.

This processing stream do not permit to waste to be in contact with the surroundings, moreover, the air exiting from the grinding chamber, that has an impending risk of contamination, is filtrated by an absolute filter, before being released into the atmosphere.

At the end of the sterilization process, waste can be used as WDF (Waste-Derived Fuel). This permits to avoid incineration and, also, to bestow the waste to produce energy.